In two-and-a-half years living in Sweden, I’ve been known to
monstrously overspend from time to time for a taste of the West Coast.
Historically that’s meant indulging in a special food or beer, and tonight it
was the latter.
While the System regularly carries one or two Sierra Nevada
varieties (the classic Pale Ale — quite possibly my favorite all-time beer —
and sometimes a seasonal alongside it) today’s special releases included
Sierra’s 2012 Northern Hemisphere Harvest Wet Hop Ale, brewed each fall with
hops less than 24 hours off the vine.
I’ve only tasted it once in the States but that was enough
to know it’s truly a treat for IPA-lovers like myself.
If you don’t live in Sweden you probably didn’t bat an eye
at that price, but it’s more than $14 at the current exchange. For one bomber.
If I were anywhere near California right now, I could have picked up a 12-pack
of the aforementioned Pale Ale for less.
Such are the frustrations of a beer-loving expat in Sweden.
I’m going to enjoy every last drop, that’s for sure.